Hey everyone!
I've been finishing up last minute touches on my new children's short story collection. It's entitled "Funny Things I Heard At The Bus Stop" and it should be a delight for any elementary schooler!
This volume (I have more planned) is geared towards the "older" crowd of maybe 8 to 11 year olds, but only for the readers. Kids of ALL ages should enjoy listening to it if parents will be reading it to them. Definitely all-age appropriate.
I created a cover that I think will be very representative of the collection. I can't wait for you all to see it.
This first volume took a lot of time to get together. When I first started this journey, I had all sorts of ideas in my mind about what kind of stories I wanted to put in it. Some were stories that I've told my kids a hundred times. Some were new but whimsical enough that I thought they would be good.
I decided to pick the stories that I thought were perfect for a little older readers, but fun for all. I have a lot more stories like that - some on "paper", some in my head - for future volumes.
But I also wanted to create a book that could be read by kids of different ages. That's where my next volume comes in. It will be easier to read, so the younger crowd can pick it up and enjoy it just as much as the older kids. And the stories are geared toward a younger audience.
Anyway, I just wanted to get this blog started so if anyone wants to follow along and learn about any upcoming projects, or give me some feedback/advice/story ideas, I'll be here!
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